A Curious Design Flaw
I thought this was funny, even without the clearly labeled button.
This photo setup uses a couple of interesting prop. The star, of course, is the robot, a large, radio-controlled toy called Buster the Robot by EZ-TEC. He’s controlled by a wired remote control that attaches to his back like a backpack for storage. He moves, turns, his arms open and close and move up and down, he has a spotlight in his head, and a speaker (there’s a microphone in the remote so you can talk through the robot). Cool toy, and large, so he looks big even with the 12″ Minions figures.
On the right is an all metal, working, hydraulic engine lift that I picked up a few years at Harbor Freight Tools. I have no idea why they sold such a thing, but it’s cool, and I’m pleased to have it. I also like the two cases salvaged from computer power supplies in the background. I stripped out the guts and wires, and in the case of one, reversed the fan to make it more prominent. In scale, I think these have a great industrial look, like air-conditioning units, or transformers, or — huge power supplies. Wish I had more of these. I should check the local computer repair place and see if he has some dead ones I can have.
I’ve always liked the power supply fan thing on the right, because the first time I saw it, I thought “where in the world did he find an early-90s Ruud/Rheem heat pump in 1/6 scale? I mean, it’s not just that it looks like an A/C unit or heat pump, it’s that I can even tell you what brand it is, and when it was made!